WorkSafe NZ – Friend or Foe
Let’s face it… we all love to hate a bureaucratic department. They bring with them the expectation of more red tape and a feeling that it is just something else to take you away from trying to conduct your core business activities. But is that really the case for WorkSafe NZ? In my opinion, the answer is no, and this article explains why. Setting the scene New Zealand, as a nation, has an appalling track record of sending its workers home alive and uninjured at the end of each working day. As at 2015:“On average, 73 people per year die on the job, 1 in 10 is harmed and 600-900 die from work-related diseases—all coming at a cost of $3.5 billion per year. And that’s doesn’t count the social and psychological costs on the friends, family, loved ones and co-workers of those people hurt on the job” (nor does it count injuries and deaths resulting from work place road accidents, the maritime industry or the aviation industry). Source: WorkSafe NZ 2015Almost without exception, all work ...