Product Spotlight – Saline Solution

 Saline Solution, otherwise known as physiological saline, isotonic saline or simply saline is a mix of water and salt (sodium chloride). It can be used to clean and flush out cuts, grazes, and eyes in first aid scenarios.

Saline is generally preferred over soaps and other cleansers because it is free from chemicals and other additives that could otherwise burn or irritate the contaminated and/or wounded area.

We offer a variety of sizes in our saline solution range:

  • 15ml and 30ml saline bottles are perfect for vehicle kits and other first aid kits where the risk of serious wound or eye injury is low and space in your first aid container is limited. We can also provide these sizes in boxes of 32 x 30ml and 50 x 15ml if you are needing bulk quantities
  • 100 – 500ml bottles are useful for environments where dust and flying debris are present as they generally come with an eye applicator that allows the user to flush out the affected area. The higher the risk of dust, debris or contamination in a wound or eye, the bigger the bottle needs to be as you’ll likely need to flush the affected area for longer.

To help you determine what sized bottle you should have, you are welcome to contact us. Otherwise, check your Safety Data Sheets (hazardous substances) and User Manuals (tools and equipment). They’ll often tell you if there is the potential for eye irritation or if dust or debris could be created by their use.  

If you are looking for a gentler solution for your eyes we also offer Optrex eye solution. We currently stock 110ml bottles but are able to source a variety of other sizes from our suppliers so contact us if you can’t see what you are looking for. Optrex is a specialised eye product that has been formulated to replicate the natural pH level of tears. It has also been enriched with plant extracts so it can gently help to remove dust, make-up and other particles that can easily get trapped on the surface of your eye.

Source: Saline Solution

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