Person Refill Kits - First Aid Kits and Cabinets

 Refill kits

Because first aid kits are filled with sterile items, they expire after some time. So rather than purchasing a whole new first aid kit, you can choose the refill option, retain your old cabinet/case and save some $$.

These first aid box cabinets are suitable for organisations that need to cater to 1-5 people in any one location. These small first aid box cabinets contain our minimum suggested contents for low-risk organizations. We recommend using this option as the base for higher-risk options and then adding your extra items from our list offirst aid supplies.

As these small first aid cabinets form the basis of all suitable first aid kits, these first aid kit medicine cabinets are ideal for use in the home workplace, office, and other industrial uses.

Our 1-5 Person First Aid Kit Contents

Stocked with 102 pieces (25 items) its the perfect solution for 1-5 people

  • 2 x Triangle Bandage
  • 1 x Crepe Bandage 5cm
  • 1 x Crepe Bandage 7.5cm
  • 1 x Fabric Tape on Spool 25mm
  • 1 x First Aid Tips
  • 1 x Clean Up Bag 
  • 1 x Scissors Medium Rescue Shear
  • 10 x Safety Pins
  • 1 x First Aid Economy Tweezer
  • 3 x Antiseptic Wipes
  • 1 x CPR Face Shield
  • 2 x Examination Gloves Pair
  • 2 x Eye Pad Single
  • 3 x Gauze Swabs 2's Sterile Non-Woven
  • 1 x Non Adherent Dressings 7.5 x 5cm
  • 2 x Non Adherent Dressings 7.5 x10cm
  • 1 x Wound Dressing Medium
  • 1 x Wound Dressing Large
  • 1 x Combine Dressing 9 x 10cm
  • 1 x Combine Dressing 9 x 20cm
  • 12 x Fabric Plasters Assorted 
  • 50 x Fabric Plasters in 2 Packs of 25
  • 1 x Fabric Plaster 1m Dressing Strip
  • 2 x Ampule Saline 30ml
  • 1 x Hep Warning Label

Note - Specification and/or sizes of product may vary slightly if not available at time of packaging.

Alternative options for 1 - 5 Person First Aid Kits:

Source: Person Refill Kits

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